Monday, November 10, 2008

New Smiles

When Hubby recently discovered that Little Dude M had a loose tooth, I was not alarmed. Had it not been for Big Sister losing her first tooth just weeks prior to her 5th Birthday, I would have been in a panic scouring the Internet and consulting Dentists wondering if this was abnormal. However, with Little Dude M, I thought it would be months, not weeks before it fell out. Friday evening, just moments before his bath, after some slight wriggling by Hubby, his first tooth fell out. He was initially disturbed, but, his once he felt his permanent tooth break through the gum he was OK with the whole process. Lucky for him, his permanent tooth is visible and ready to take on the empty space.

Little Dude M's tooth!

Permanent tooth ready to move into place

New Grin!

Tooth Fairy Delivers!
Not to be overshadowed, Big Sister's loose tooth fell out less that 24 hours later. Yet, another new smile.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Shining Star

With a move this summer and an adjustment to a "traditional" school from the beloved Okinawan Montessori Schools, I was concerned about the transition for Big Sister. With the first quarter under her belt and the completion of hordes of spelling homework, accelerated reading and math homework completed, we can declare success! St. William of York has proven to be a fabulous fit for Big Sister (not to mention the Little Dudes) and today she was rewarded with her hard work.

Last Friday, I received an email inviting me to attend the award ceremony scheduled for this afternoon. It only stated that my child would be publicly acknowledged and that familial support was desired. I did not share this information with Big Sister as she became aware of the ceremony but not that she would be honored. As the classes filed into the gym, it was so fun to see the kids smile as they saw loved ones in the audience. It took Big Sister a couple of minutes to see me, the Little Dudes, and her neighborhood friend, Conner. It did not dawn on her that I was in the audience for anything other than random curiosity.

The Principal, Sister Lisa, explained that in Grades K-4 the students are recognized as "Shining Stars" in the subjects of Religion, Effort, Reading, Charity, Math, and Spelling. I could not have been more tickled for Big Sister as she was beaming from ear to ear when she received not only the Reading Award, but the Charity Award. She was already tickled after receiving the monthly "Corporal Works of Mercy" award yesterday which earned her points to spend at the School Store. We are so proud of Big Sister! Now, if we could only get Sister Lisa to pronounce Moloko correctly!

Way to go Big Sister!

Election Day

Like my sign? Wish I could say it was my idea, but, Big Sister proudly created this Saturday morning as I was out taking a run. When I returned, it was hanging on the front door. I inquired as to what inspired her to make the sign and she responded with "Why don't we have a yard sign? Obama/Biden signs are everywhere!"

Over the past few weeks, Big Sister has been inquiring about the election and the candidates. She is fascinated by the media coverage and the pictures of the US map covered in a sea of red and blue. Yesterday after school, she was extremely inquisitive as to how you choose a President? I carefully explained that I try to select the candidate whose beliefs are more closely aligned with mine and the candidate who I feel will best serve my country as a leader. Her questions were well thought out and I was impressed. It was only after she told me that she would be participating in a "mock" election today that I understood her quieries. Her teacher had instructed the class to go home and learn about the candidates. This immediately took me back to the Presidential Election of 1976, when I too, was in 1st Grade at a Catholic school. I remember clear as day voting for Gerald Ford and was so dissapointed to find out that he was not chosen.

Big Sister assured me that she "heard" that McCain was going to be the *winner* and that Obama was going to make every United States Marine quit his job (not so cool to a kid whose Dad is a Marine). These two wild rumors were passed on by a classmate. I explained that according to all the predictions is does not look so favorable for John McCain. Her response was "Shame on John McCain if he does not win." I asked her why? and she retorted with "I had to make my own sign!" Campaign finance reform is not such a good idea to a 6 year old either! As for Obama making every US Marine quit his job, my best guess is that is has something to do with his pull out plan for Iraq.

After months, of biased media coverage and mudslinging, I find myself hoping and praying for a miracle. With Virginia being one of the battleground states, I was more than prepared to brave a long line this morning. With my book in hand, and a neighbor watching the Little Dudes, I headed to the polls. Fortunately, my timing was impecable as it only took a mere 15 minutes from the time I exited my car and returned to my car. I quickly headed home so I could return the favor for my neighbor who too need to vote. I was assured by the election officials, that it had been mobbed at the opening and they expected it to become increasingly worse after lunch.

Needless to say, I will be glued to the returns all evening. There is no doubt today's election is one of historical proportions! I pray for our Country and our President!