Thursday, May 28, 2009


Without fail, my three beautiful boisterous children never cease to amaze me. Especially when it comes to pointing out when each other does something wrong. I would like to think it is because of their strongly developed consciences. However, I do not think that was the case this afternoon. For some reason, they each decided THIS was the day to "rat", "tattle" and "inform" me of all wrongdoings. Let me just say for the record they were mere annoyances and all minor infractions.

About a year ago, my dear neighbor from Okinawa labeled the Moloko siblings as "HALL MONITORS." I have chuckled at that analogy and used it on occasion myself. Well, after about an hour of the shenanigans, I decided to do something I have never done before. The scolding technique did not seem to work, so, I took out the camera. I made them line up together to take their picture. They were baffled by this until I told them I was going to put it up on the blog!


Cute, huh?

Big Sister's Purchase

Let's face it, My Twinn, American Girl and other dolls of that ilk, are a HUGE investment. Perhaps even a scam? However, it is what Big Sister along with most 5-10 year old girls dream of owning. I am always amazed at the marketing that is spent on these beloved 18-23" dolls. Outfits, accessories, books, furniture, and the list goes on. I have become rather savvy in my online searches for unique doll clothes made by others to fit these dolls at less expensive prices.

Over the past couple of months, Big Sister has been drooling over one outfit in particular made by a seamstress outside of Philadelphia. I stumbled upon her website by chance and just knew it would be an item Big Sister would want to add to the never-ending "wish list." It was a bit steep in price but so perfect! With some money she received from her First Communion, she asked if she could place the order. I consented.

Big Sister & Chrissa

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cinco, Go, FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Dudes five years ago...

Present Day 2009...

Best of Buddies...
Happy Birthday Little Dudes!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Fishing...not what one would initially associate with a Mother's Day activity. After a week of rain, the weather was picturesque and the kids were eager to do "something fun." Hubby was home for the first time in three years on Mother's Day, so a fishing expedition was planned. The Moloko Five headed to Lunga Reservoir in search of fun and fish. We rented a motor boat and spent three lazy hours out and about. We managed to find a quiet little spot and caught around seven fish which we released. It was a successful adventure and the enthusiasm and joy made it a wonderfully memorable Mother's Day. Definitely time well spent!

Little Dude M - First Catch of the Day

Big Sister & Fish
Moloko Gals
Such concentration
Way to go Little Dude B
Those are some smiles!
Little Dude M & Mom

Happy Mother's Day 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Shared Saturday

This past Saturday was a busy and momentous day in the Moloko household. Big Sister's First Holy Communion was held. This prompted great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins to to travel from all over the United States to help mark this event in her sacramental journey of Catholic faith. Many relatives in attendance were also present at her Baptism which made the event even more extraordinary. No one could have prepared me for how quickly we would reach this milestone, a mere seven years after her birth.

Saturday, Hubby and I also celebrated our 11th Anniversary. We decided we needed to mark the day in some way, so, at 10pm, after all of our guests had retired to their various hotels or treks back home we headed out. Seeing as we had dessert with our guests, a sweet treat and a Starbucks trip was not an option...too late for coffee. Hubby was adamant we "do" something" so, we ventured to Wal*Mart. We actually had a good time browsing the aisles and chuckling at our impromptu Anniversary date.