Monday, June 29, 2009

Paper Airplanes

Saturday we headed north to Alexandria, VA for a mini-family reunion. We had a fabulous time visiting assorted with aunts, uncles and cousins. Upon our arrival, the Little Dudes went in search of Uncle Matt. He was coerced into making paper airplanes and before I knew it, he was schooling the Little Dudes on proper flight technique.

Uncle Matt instructing
Little Dude B sees his target

Ready, Aim...

Chillin between flights

Friday, June 26, 2009

Nature Walk

With summer upon us, I have been busy trying to come up with activities to keep the munchkins occupied. The highlight of our "outdoor" adventures this week, was a nature walk on one of the many trails through the hills of Quantico. The kids and I had a great time exploring and we managed a few cool finds.

Shiny green bugs among the leaves

Little Dudes sitting on a log

Little Dude B annotating the tree w/ the hole in the middle

Yogo break for the Munchkins

Little Dude B and the Bird's nest

Friday, June 19, 2009

Complete Surprise!

Award ceremonies are held quarterly at Big Sister's school. She was acknowledged during the first quarter and was extremely bummed during the 2nd & 3rd quarters as she was not recognized for any one subject. Much to her surprise, along with Hubby and I, last week she was singled out to receive the "Shining Star Award in Math." Upon entering the gym and seeing us in the bleachers, she knew she would get an award, but, thought it would be for Reading or Spelling (as did I). Unfortunately, I did not have the camera ready for the look of shock on her face when her name was called!

Although she did not have the highest grade in the class, she was recognized for her efforts in grasping math concepts at an accelerated rate and receiving high scores on her standarized tests taken in April. I think we were all baffled as the mantras "Check over your work" and "Show your work" have become most repetitive when reviewing her math work.

This certificate has truly bolstered her confidence! Not only has she has eagerly delved into the 3rd grade Math packet she must complete prior to school starting in the fall. We have spent afternoons counting and multiplying M&M's, learning to play Yahtzee, and adding up receipts to keep the math skills sharp!

Proud Little Girl!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ice Cream Fan

Big Sister loves her ice cream. Typically, our freezer is devoid of her favorite dessert. This is due to lack of freezer space as well as trying to find a flavor that everyone enjoys. This past week, Hubby and the kids headed to the store and came home with a gallon of ice cream they all agreed upon. After the initial bowl, the Little Dudes were not enamored, so, that left Big Sister and Hubby to battle the remains for the next couple of evenings. Hubby relented and let Big Sister finish off the gallon. I would have served it a bowl, but, he was doing dishes that night.

Down to the last drip!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We were in search of a "family fun" activity. Hubby was not up for miniature golf, I was not keen on fishing, so, the munchkins said "let's go to the beach." For the Moloko siblings, beaches have been a constant locale for six years. Living in Northern VA does not provide such a luxury. Just before saying "NO" and explaining the closest beach is VA beach, a mere three hour drive, we figured we would check out Aquia Landing Beach. I had read about the "beach" in a series of county magazines and thought it would be worth the 20 minute drive east to the shoreline.

Upon arriving, I think the kids were a bit puzzled...not the white sand and clear blue water they are accustomed. However, after quickly surveying the area, they were game for the adventure. Sand and water were present. The two ingredients they were hoping to find.

I have never been a strong proponent of the East Coast beaches as I have been spoiled by the Pacific Ocean and East China Sea. I tried not to let my feeling and thought effects the kids perceptions. They had a wonderful afternoon playing despite the murky water and brown sand. As we were driving away, they stated they enjoyed the trip but that they miss the beaches of Okinawa! Can't say I blame them!

Sizing up the shoreline - first time seeing East Coast
Smiley Little Dudes
East Coast Shoreline -7 yrs after her first visit
Happy Diggers

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chopped Tresses

End of the year activities, heat of summer at our doorstep, and Big Sister claims it is time for a haircut. Over the years, she has been happy enough with a trim every 4-6 months. Well, she decided she wanted "short" hair. So, I gave her the latitude to instruct the hairdresser her desires. I was hesitant to see those honey colored locks fall to the floor, but, I think the end result is adorable.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Class of 2009

For weeks, they have been humming "Pomp and Circumstance" and talking about graduation practice. I would ask "What is the Ceremony was going to be like?" and I would get "It's a secret Mom!" All they would tell me was that they did not want to wear those silly looking hats...mortar boards.

Yesterday morning, I signed Big Sister out of class, Hubby left work, and we attended the Little Dude's Preschool Graduation. They marched into the gymnasium, sang a few songs, received their diplomas, and then "blasted off" to Kindergarten. It was a short, sweet, and wonderful affair.

The Little Dudes have had such a fabulous year at St. William of York. They absolutely feel "at home" and have such a love for the school itself. It tickled me so to drop them off in the mornings and watch 20+ kids greet each other with hugs, smiles, and genuine kindness. This was such a special group of kids as they truly created a "preschool family." At the conclusion of yesterday's graduation, parents were scurrying around sharing email addresses and phone numbers trying to plan playdates as they too seemed to want to foster the bonds formed.

When all was said and done, cake eaten, and kids running amok, it took heroic measures to pry the Little Dudes away from their friends and teachers. With many of their classmates matriculating with them in the fall at St. William of York for Kindergarten, the Little Dudes were sad that some favorite buddies will be heading to other schools in the area. Even a preschool graduation can be bittersweet!

Little Dude B

Little Dude M

Diploma & Run

Way to Go!!

Preschool Graduates - Class of 2009!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Brownie in our Midst

For the past two years, Big Sister has been an active participant in the Daisy Girl Scouting Program. I do not think there has been one activity, program, craft, adventure, or experience she has not enjoyed. Her first year as a Daisy, had her participating on an international level where she had the privilege of being invited to many Japanese Girl Scout sponsored events. It truly provided a worldly perspective on the Scouting program.

When we started school this fall, her first request was to sign her up for Daisy Scouts again as an extra-curricular activity. I was concerned as to what I perceived as a "grander" scouting experience and that she would not be as enthusiastic. No need for concern. She had a fabulous time selling the beloved Girl Scout cookies, competing in the Powder Puff Derby, and attending a Camporee. Earlier this week, the Moloko clan attended her "Bridging Ceremony." This signifies that she is eligible to move onto the next stage in the Girl Scouting Program. Big Sister is now a Brownie Girl Scout.

Just walked across the bridge
One happy Brownie