Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bruises and Missing Teeth

I can barely keep up with the bruises the Little Dudes have accumulated over the past couple of days. Friday evening's soccer game left Little Dude M with a nice goosebump on the left side of his forehead after being in a huddle with the opposing team. He managed to kick the ball out and toward a teammate. Then during yesterday morning's soccer game, he ran toward the ball again, tripped and landed on his knee adding some superficial scratches to his forehead and cheek.

Not to be outdone by his big brother by fifteen minutes...Little Dude B walked into a steel frame wall brace.

I really like the pronounced line on the right side of his face.

To top it off, both Little Dudes have lost teeth this weekend. Upon their return to school tomorrow, they are going to look bit battered!
Our very own M-O-Lantern.
Lost both two front teeth simulanteously!B-Man holding his tooth

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturdays of Late

With the final days of September approaching, I had to look at my heavily marked calendar to see what has kept the Moloko clan busy during the weekends. No big trips or events. Just soccer games and birthday parties. The Little Dudes have been to some really cool parties to include an indoor gymnastics party (jumping in pits of sponge-type blocks), an indoor turfed field house for some Dodgeball, as well as a "Laser Tag" party at a local park. Fortunately, I was camera ready for Laser Tag.

Testing his own weapon

B-Man's Game Face

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Classic Shot

There are moments when I wish I had my camera. Fortunately, this past Sunday morning I had it in my purse. Big Sister and I were perusing the tables at a "white elephant" sale at our parish church. The sale was being held in the school cafeteria and was teaming with people and items. She briefly wandered away in search of a "treasure." My back was to her when I heard her say, "Hey Mom, this is sooooo 70's." She had found this "gem" in a box of costumes.

Not quite her shade of blonde!

Go Green Panthers

Waking up, eating breakfast, and getting out the door by 8:35 AM on a Saturday morning is no easy fete! A 9 o'clock soccer game, the first of the season, was on the calendar this past Saturday. The Little Dudes were raring to go for the "BIG GAME!"

Although the Panthers were not victorious, the Little Dudes had a blast running around the field attempting to kick the ball into the goal. Watching a dozen 5 and 6 year olds run in circles, picking clovers, and losing interest was hysterical. I truly enjoyed the chaos. It was definitely worth the early morning wake-up.

Panther M
Panther B
Ready for kick-off

Chances of getting both in the same action shot? Priceless!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Glimpse in the Future

On our recent trip to San Diego, we spent two days enjoying Legoland. Legoland is definitely the Moloko theme park of choice. This was our third adventure, the last being in January of 2006. This trip was such a fabulous experience as the Little Dudes were able to appreciate the rides and the opportunities provided around the park to build with legos.

The Volvo race car ride was a favorite for the Little Dudes. It was rather comical to watch them maneuver the course. Little Dude M kept running into the walls and bumping into the other drivers. He was trying to catch up to his brother.

Little Dude M in pursuit of Little Dude B
Proof he is ready for the road...his driver's license
Check it out Mom!

As I watched them drive the course, I had the uncomfortable feeling that in about 11 years, this was going to be a reality. Not looking forward to that milestone. For now though, they are pretty content with "Official Legoland Driver's License." I have to agree.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day of Firsts

The First Day of School for the Moloko Munchkins was yesterday. It was just a half day though, so, there was much excitement this morning as I packed lunches and reminded them that it would be a full day.

Our lovely Third Grader

Kindergarten Dudes
(gotta love Little Man B's game face)

Watch out Mrs. Moretti!

To make yesterday even more memorable, the Little Dudes attended their first soccer practice. We have evolved and committed ourselves to practices and games for the next two months. It was so much fun to watch...almost comical. Little Dude B on several occasions felt it was fitting to pick up the ball and run vice use his feet. Little Dude M kept asking the coach "When is practice over?" Practice from 6-7pm really stinks. Note to self: feed Little Dude M prior to practice.

B-Man is such a poser!

M-Man's grin
Looks like they have been doing this for years