Thursday, June 16, 2011

Amusing Statements

With school ending this past week, I am finding myself sorting through the kids homework, journals, and classwork. I typically sort graded assignments and papers every quarter and then in June go through and whittle the papers to just a few. Those that represent their accomplishments, growth, and personality I keep. This afternoon, I had a delightful time reading over the Little Dudes work. Here are a few items I thought were just precious:

Religion Question re: Noah's Ark
What was it like on the ark with all those animals?

"There was animal breth!" (Little Dude M)

"I think it was no fun their!" (Little Dude B)

If I was President?
"If I was Pressident, I would lead the Union side threw the Silver War. I would shoot guns."
(Classwork assignment for President's Day...Little Dude M had just been to the Fredericksburg Battlefield)

If I was an animal?
If I was an animal, I would be a little turtle, a snappy turtle. And, if I went to turtle school and I had homework, I would snap my homework into little bits. (Little Dude B)

Little Dude B's Story
Once upon a time, there were alien's in space. One day in space, the alien General said "I want to go to earth" and his alien troopers said "You are crazy!" "Why can't we get ice cream?" Well, the Alien General said "If you want ice cream, We have to attack cows!" The alien troopers said Cows do not lay ice cream, they lay baby's!"

(I seriously wonder about the theme...aliens attacking cows?)