Today proved to be a really crummy summer Saturday! Although the rain is needed and welcomed, it put a damper on heading to the pool or playground. Little Dude M decided a day of chilling on the couch while watching movies was in order. I immediately vetoed that suggestion. Without much arm twisting, I was persuaded to trek out to the Michael's store down the road.
Nothing beats a trip to Michael's! The kids and I can go four separate ways, exist in the same space, be content, and not worry about finding each other for at least 20 minutes. That does not even happen at home! With an indoor day on the horizon, I was all for some time to myself browsing the bead aisle. The kids ventured off, but, eventually found me burrowed in a pile of beads. After receiving their input on my bead strand choices, we headed out to see what craft they had decided to tackle.
While I was blissfully happy on my glass bead high, the three had agreed to making Melt Bead creations. Our Melt Bead supply at home had been depleted, so, after scouring the sale aisle and applying the Michael's coupons we headed back for some creativity. It was quickly decided that the usual butterflies, bugs, and insects provided in the directions were not what they wanted to build. They started throwing out ideas and before I know it, the characters from Disney's Phineas and Ferb were chosen.
This idea was was quite an undertaking. Big Sister and I quickly went to the computer to look for character templates. Sorting through thousands of beads to try to create the likeness of their favorite character was time consuming. It took several hours and I spent more time involved than I had planned. However, we ALL are content with the outcome.
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