Thursday, June 16, 2011

Amusing Statements

With school ending this past week, I am finding myself sorting through the kids homework, journals, and classwork. I typically sort graded assignments and papers every quarter and then in June go through and whittle the papers to just a few. Those that represent their accomplishments, growth, and personality I keep. This afternoon, I had a delightful time reading over the Little Dudes work. Here are a few items I thought were just precious:

Religion Question re: Noah's Ark
What was it like on the ark with all those animals?

"There was animal breth!" (Little Dude M)

"I think it was no fun their!" (Little Dude B)

If I was President?
"If I was Pressident, I would lead the Union side threw the Silver War. I would shoot guns."
(Classwork assignment for President's Day...Little Dude M had just been to the Fredericksburg Battlefield)

If I was an animal?
If I was an animal, I would be a little turtle, a snappy turtle. And, if I went to turtle school and I had homework, I would snap my homework into little bits. (Little Dude B)

Little Dude B's Story
Once upon a time, there were alien's in space. One day in space, the alien General said "I want to go to earth" and his alien troopers said "You are crazy!" "Why can't we get ice cream?" Well, the Alien General said "If you want ice cream, We have to attack cows!" The alien troopers said Cows do not lay ice cream, they lay baby's!"

(I seriously wonder about the theme...aliens attacking cows?)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

No better way to commemorate the Memorial Day holiday than a visit to Arlington National Cemetery. It was a memorable experience not only for me, but for the munchkins. Witnessing families celebrating the lives of their loved ones was heartbreaking. Our plan was to visit the grave site of a fellow Marine Hubby had served with in Okinawa and the grave site of an Army Colonel we had never met but have heard so much about. It was the Father of a classmate of Big Sister. We located the grave sites, paid our respects, and respectfully nodded to those mourning around us. It was a somber experience; yet, I felt honored to walk among the fallen who so bravely fought.

To further celebrate the day, we headed to the Washington Nationals Stadium to watch Hubby's beloved Phillies play the Nationals.

It was the first Big League game for the munchkins and they enjoyed themselves!

Best possible outcome...PHILLIES WIN!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Southern Charm

Twenty four years ago, my parents graciously agreed to indulge my wish to visit several colleges so as to see where I wanted to spend my undergraduate years. Upon arriving in Columbia, SC to tour the University of South Carolina, I was greeted by Palmetto Palm trees lining the streets of Columbia as well as the campus. I was immediately smitten and declared "this is it!" This was all it took to convince me....
Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to join three of my college roomies for a weekend of fun, reminiscing, and relaxation. We spent four days on Kiawah Island, South Carolina enjoying the weather and the company. It was the first time in 17 years we had all been together. I was a bit apprehensive at the idea of being reunited after such a long time, but figured the sun and sand would bridge any gap. Oddly enough, within minutes of reuniting, the familiarity, mannerisms, and roles resumed.

Heading out celebratory dinner at the Sanctuary Hotel on Kiawah Island.

Much different than our $3 pitcher days at Carolina!

Most of our time spent was lounging on the beach witnessing this view.

The high point of the weekend for me was walking around in Charleston. This is truly one of my most favorite cities. The history, architecture, and southern charm have such an appeal. I have such fond memories of this town and those precious years living in South Carolina. I managed to capture a few of my favorite things.

Rainbow Row

Cooper River Bridge

The essence of Charleston

Battery Park...LOVE this LAMPOST!

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Atta Girl"

Did you practice your clarinet yet today? Typical question most afternoons coming from this nagging Mom! Big Sister, usually without complaint, will pull out her beloved instrument and play from a very limited repertoire. As the months have passed, she has become a bit adventurous and works ahead in her book or will ask me to print off music from the web. She has perfected "Ode to Joy!"

Just this past week, she had her first band concert. She did well and was most excited that she did not "SQUEAK!" Not bad for meeting once a week from a traveling director! Here is a brief snipit of one of the songs.

Big Sister is just under the left elbow of the Director.

During the concert, the Director presented a few awards from to some of the advanced band members who had participated in a few band competitions this past year. He had two extra awards to present as well. A "Most Improved Musician" award for beginning band and another for advanced band.

I had just put my camera away, so, I was unable to catch the HUGE grin on Big Sister's face when her name was announced. It was a thrill to see her excitement and I truly could not have been any prouder of her achievement over the past 8 months.

Happy Gal!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Seven Years Later!

Someone very wise told me once "to soak it all in as time goes by too fast." That was in reference to enjoying your children as they age. I can only say, that on a sunny Hawaiian day, seven years ago, as Hubby and I drove to that mammoth pink hospital on the hill, I knew that our family of three was going to drastically be altered. A bit worried about Big Sister adjusting to the chaos of not just one baby but two weighed heavily on my mind. Hours later, the Moloko family was expanded and blessed by these two little dudes.

The dynamic duo in May 2004

The dudes on May 19, 2011 ...7th Birthday!!

Over the past couple of years, birthday celebrations have last several days. You have to have the "class" celebration, the "family" celebration and then the beloved "party" celebration. It exhausts Mom, but, the little dudes are well treated and their date well marked! This year the Little Dudes chose to bring "Poptart Sushi" to share with their classmates, They tasted this sugary delicacy last summer when we visited the PopTarts World store in Times Square, New York.

Nothing like mashed up poptarts wrapped in fruit roll-ups!

Last but not least, the CAKE! This was a collaborative design effort by both Little Dudes. They wanted a Nerf themed cake, hence the target and the fondant bullets. They chose their favorite colors which just happen to be the same colors as the "Nerf Dart Tag" series. It was a relatively easy design for Mom to create this year! (Little Dude M originally wanted the Empire State Building!)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Annual Trek

Earlier this month, we made our annual trek to Washington, DC to view the Cherry Blossoms. Since 2006, we have treked to see Cherry Blossoms blooming whether it be the vibrant pinks in Okinawa, or the snow white ones in DC. I must say the trees never disappoint and provide a great backdrop for some family photos.


Over the past year, I have come to find myself spending enless hours in Michaels in the bead aisle. I love to spend time running my fingers over the different shapes, textures, sizes and colors. Every once in a while, I get the urge to create with the collection of beads I have on hand.

With teacher birthdays falling during these past few weeks, I decided to let the creative juices flow and make them jewelry to mark the day. Fortunately, I spend lots of time at the school and have a good idea of what they will wear and what they like. I have been pleased with my finished products, so much so, that I have had difficulty in parting with my handiwork.

Love the color combo, especially the Lapis!

Easter Shades

My ultimate favorite necklace EVER! This was hard to part with! Big Sister tells me I should make a look-alike, but, I am thinking "one of a kind" is more fitting! Love the purples and greens.

I definitely hope to spend some time this summer engrossed with my beads boxes! I find this outlet very relaxing. I believe this is due in part to being able to take things apart, rework, and recreate if the colors and shapes are not flowing!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lenten Photo

This is why I LOVE legos...

Little Dude B's "Stations of the Cross"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gotta Love Sunday Afternoons

With a bit of mumbling under their breath, we loaded up the munchkins into the van for an afternoon of exploring the Fredericksburg Battlefield. There was a lot of moaning and groaning as an afternoon watching a movie on Netflix was what they were seeking. It was an unseasonably bearable Sunday afternoon, and therefore being inside was not an option.

After a brief movie at the Visitor's Center, we headed along the trail to see where so many men perished during this battle of the Civil War. The dudes enjoyed seeing the cannons, partial wall that was to hold the Union soldiers back from the Confederate Army, and the Cemetery. It proved to be an fun adventure for all.

Three Smiles=Success

Just a week later, we whisked the kids up to Washington, DC to the National Building Museum. As lwe loaded them in the car, and again there was lots of rumbling, especially since we did not tell them where we were headed.

Little Dude B - intently spying exhibit flag

Smiles Again!

The architecture of this building was phenomenal. LOVED IT...learned that Inaugural Balls are held here.

Architectural Lego Sets - Life Size

Lego Factoid

Lego Building - just beyond exhibit

Moloko Family Creations

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kids Post

Big Sister has the habit of writing notes and letters, sealing them in envelopes and mailing them off to family members and friends. I am usually not aware of her efforts until I receive an email or phone call telling me about her "sweet" note or how "creative & clever" her letter was to the recipient.

About a month ago, she was reading the "Kids Post" section of the Sunday Washington Post newspaper. This is where the "Kids Mini-Page" can be found and definitely a BIG deal amongst the three Moloko munchkins. In this particular circular, it was asking kids to submit drawings of a lion family. Before I knew it, there was an stamped envelope addressed to the Washington Post to be mailed. When I inquired, she said "Oh, it is just some contest and I drew a few photos."

Fast forward to two weeks ago, a message from the Washington Post Offices was left on the answering machine. Evidently, Big Sister's art would be included in the upcoming "Kids Post" magazine. Sadly, all of her artwork was not featured, but, they cut out a few of her drawings to be featured.

Cute female lion on cover
Another Lion included in the insert
Official letter from The Washington Post A t-shirt for her efforts!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shining Stars

Big Sister is most proud of her latest achievement...she made the Principal's Honor Role for the 2nd quarter! Yep, ALL A's. That was a goal she had hoped for first quarter, but, did not quite make it with one B in her least favorite subject, Science. Well, she told me the other day that the pressure is on! I asked her what she meant. "Mom, I no longer have any wiggle room...I have to work as hard the next two quarters to get "Principal's Honor Roll" again. Not sure if I was much help...I told her to AIM HIGH!
Little Dude B was also recognized during the 1st Quarter for his "Shining Star" efforts in reading. What a smile!
Not to be outdone by his younger brother, Little Dude M was the recipient of the "Shining Star" in reading for the 2nd Quarter!

If I was a peacock, my plumage would be in full fan display.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Crazy Hat

It was Catholic School Week last week for the Moloko Munchkins. They were given the opportunity to celebrate in some unique ways and participate in some fun activities. I must say, the day in which they were permitted to wear a crazy hat, tie, and socks was a favorite!

The day prior, the all three munchkins came to me with the desire to have the "craziest" hat of all. I found three straw safari hats leftover from a previous birthday party and sent them on a mission to scrounge through their bedrooms and "special/junk" drawers. Little Dude B had a bit of a head start as he stayed home from school due to a slight fever. He quickly found some foam, shoe strings, straws and Nerf Darts. I helped him assemble his creation and I was impressed! Pretty wacky!

Big Sister came home from school, saw Little Dude B's and before I knew it, my kitchen table was covered with her stuffed Muppet collection. At the age of three, she went through a stage where she was crazy about "The Muppet Show." One afternoon, she and Hubby went on an errand and came home with a bunch o' Muppet's. Well, she decided to string several characters on her hat and the end result was fantastic! Love the tie too!

Poor Little Dude M! He was bummed and felt he had "lost his imagination." He was not sure how to top his siblings creations. So, I ventured upstairs and helped his sift through his treasures. I did not take long for us to come up with the simple design. With a little help of Hubby's engineering, I have to say his hat was definitely the most unique (and favored)!

Here is a photo of the Little Dudes proudly wearing their designs at school.

I am going to be shameless and brag. I was approached by many teachers, students, and parents saying the Moloko's knocked the "CRAZY HATS" requirement out of the ballpark. I must agree! Although, there were some other noteworthy hats, I am most certain these were by far the coolest!