Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December Highlights

Goodness, this month has flown and I am stupefied that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I had the best of intentions to sit down on numerous occasions to update the blog. (Guess I know what my New Year's Resolution is going to be.) Therefore, I decided I would sit down and just do a brief review of December.

This was a photo of our first dusting of snow. The Moloko siblings have SO eager for a BIG snowfall as they have never had the experience to play in the snow. Big Sister's eyes were full of excitement and merriment as she tried to catch the snowflakes on her tongue and she worked hard scraping snow off the car to form a snowball. Unfortunately, the flurries did not last long, but, the kids enjoyed stormtroopers blanket the cars and sidewalk.

Big Sister is growing up so fast! Here she is heading out to friend's birthday slumber party. She had a fabulous time but nothing could have prepared her for the sheer exhaustion she would fell the next morning. She was returned to our care with her 'fun-meter" pegged and sleep deprived. We tried to get her to nap/rest, but, she resisted as she felt she was too old to nap. She is already planning her B'day for 2010...a Slumber Party.

Big Sister is all smiles at the St William of York Christmas Program. The First Grade sang several songs and she could definitely be heard singing on her favorite "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel."

The Little Dudes are modeling their new school t-shirts. As Preschoolers, they are not required to wear a uniform, but, they so wanted to show their "Panther Pride." They were all smiles and wanted to wear them again the very next day!

The Little Dudes have become extreme fans of all things "Speed Racer." Little Dude B wanted to make Shrinky Dinks and suggested we make ornaments for the Christmas tree. The Little Dudes quickly navigated me to the Speed Racer website so I could accurately draw and color their favorite car characters. It was a great activity and the ornaments look fantastic on the Christmas tree.

Big Sister LOVES to dress up. This particular afternoon, she was Mary and was headed off to Bethlehem for Jesus's birth. Moments later, she decided she was Saint Lucia.
Needless to say, it is never dull in the Moloko household!