Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pieced Together

Two weeks ago, my neighbor casually asked me if the Moloko siblings would be interested in some Playmobile. Her children are quickly moving into their teen years and were in need of extra closet space. I myself am a HUGE Playmobile fan and quickly responded with a big YES!

Moments later the doorbell rang and beyond the two paper boxes and Rubbermaid containers stood my neighbor. She mentioned that there was some pieces to a castle, a sheriff's office, and some horses. Her only request was that if we found the Nativity pieces that we return those along with the Rubbermaid containers. Simple enough.

Fortunately, the kids were eager to get started as was I. It was a daunting task directions included. The items in the boxes were scattered, so, trying to determine which pieces went to which set was difficult. Luckily, we have a Playmobile catalog in the house and quickly determined that we had a lodge and an airplane in our possesion.

Yikes, where to begin?

The Airplane was Easy!

Sorting in progress

Castle pieces, I think

I completely understand Little Dude B's frustration. He is working on the Lodge.

After three days of scouring the Internet for pictures and guides we managed to put five completely different sets together. During this process, I discovered that four of the five sets are retired and worth a small fortune in the Ebay and Craigslist Worlds. Just out of curiosity, I called and spoke with a Playmobile representative about obtaining directions to our *new* sets. She stated that I could purchase directions if so desired. I declined. Heck, with a little bit of searching, willing children, and a rainy weekend, we made the clutter disappear. Sadly, there are some mystery pieces remaining. It will just have to wait until the next unscheduled rain day weekend.

It Never Disappoints

So many memories of my childhood, teen years, and early adulthood are centered in and around Quantico, Virginia. Fall was always my favorite season as the tree lined entrance and exit to the base were just breathtaking once the temps cooled and the leaves began their metamorphosis.

In a recent discussion with my grandfather, I shared with him that although Quantico has changed in appearance over the years, I can always count on the treeline behind my beloved preschool to bring back the sights and smells of fall! It never disappoints...

My favorite treeline
The "Red Hut" - My preschool

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Over the years, I have humored Hubby's allegiance to his beloved Philadelphia Eagles. I typically jump on the bandwagon and cheer towards the playoffs. I realized just last weekend how I have become a fan in my own right. Hubby was in Okinawa, it was raining outside, so, I turned the game on and watched with the kids. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would have taken so much pleasure, without Hubby present. Sadly, the Eagles did not win, but, I have came to realize that I REALLY like watching Football. Perhaps it is viewing the game on our new 50" TV rather than the 19" we have had for the past 11+years.

About two weeks ago, we headed to the Philadelphia area to visit with family and friends. A quick trip to the local Target for missing odds and ends not packed, provided an opportunity to peruse a multitude of Eagles paraphrenalia. The kids enjoyed the selection and enjoyed modeling the unique items not found here in Redskins country. Hubby finally bought me a t-shirt so I too can show my Eagles pride.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Diorama Days

The first major 3rd grade "project" of the year was assigned, you know...the one with three weeks notice and a lengthy instruction sheet. Big Sister was to create an animal habitat diorama in which two animals and two plants are found. The students have been assigned two U.S. states to feature in all projects throughout the year. She chose to highlight her former home of Hawaii vs. New York. Sounds simple enough, right?

Hawaii seemed like the easy choice until were started our brainstorming. She had to determine whether to include indigenous or endemic creatures, whether to select the rain forest, volcanic, ocean, mountain, or red dirt landforms. After much debate, sketches rendered and research completed, she chose to highlight those plants most associated with Hawaii: Pineapple and Sugar Cane. As for the animals, she chose the Nene bird (State bird)and the Mongoose.

With our visions, that would be Hubby, Big Sister, and me, we embarked upon the creation of the diorama. It definitely was a collaborative effort trying to incorporate all the necessary information in 3D form. It was not an easy task trying to highlight the chosen plants and animals while revealing the water, food, and shelters needed for survival. Oh, extra points were to be awarded for creativity. No pressure, right?

Big Sister definitely earned those creativity points. The bread twist ties, coffee stir sticks, fennel seeds, Styrofoam bullet packaging, rice paper, paint, model magic and stamps helped to create her Hawaiian habitat.

Just some interesting facts learned along the way.
1. Meerkats are part of the Mongoose Family.
2. Mongoose fur is used to make paint brushes
3. The rarest bird in the world is the Nene Bird.

Painting the Styrofoam...resembling red dirt for plants.
Model magic...Nene birds

Stamped palm trees for the background. Coloring the branches.

Stamped Pineapples & stamped Geckos in the fields

Model Magic Mongoose

The finished project

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cool Effect

I was attempting to take a photo of Big Sister. Just as I hit the button, the camera slipped and this was the shot Icaptured. Big Sister wishes I could create the effect too!

Traditional shot

Perfected Pout

For years, I thought Big Sister had the perfect "pout face." You know, sad droopy big eyes and over exaggerated puffed out lips.

Well, Big Sister is no longer the reigning pouter in the Moloko household. Little Dude M has definitely perfected the look. First he gives you the puppy dog eyes, and then he makes his face SO long while emoting such deep sadness.

Hard to top this one!