Sunday, December 19, 2010

Up to Mischief

Saturday Mornings around here are somewhat routine. Hubby whips up some of his delicious pancakes or toils over the waffle iron creating unique recipes. Not being a big fan of breakfast, I usually scoot out for a run. Yesterday, I found myself dragging a bit and delaying my run. The 20 degree temps had something to do with the lack of motivation along with floors that needed vacuuming and toilets needing to be scrubbed.

Just as I was finishing my cleaning and looking for my hat and gloves, I heard the sound of laughter from the Moloko Men that was a bit too jovial. Then I heard someone say, "Wait until Mom sees this!" Hmmm...never a good thing, right? Well, it seems the men were discussing the Sunday football games. The Moloko favored EAGLES were going to being playing against one of the division rivals, the NY GIANTS.

I believe the pictures tell the story best...

Proud of themselves!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Creativity Big Sister Style

Big Sister is constantly crafting! There is not a day that goes by in which I am not nagging her to clean off the desk(s), kitchen table, or her bedroom floor. Sometimes she will have creations assembled in all of these places at once. It is a constant struggle to balance her creativity and Mom's desire to have clutter free living areas.

Yesterday was no different. She was sporting her latest creation, definitely inspired by the "As Seen On TV" commercials of the ever-popular SNUGLI! She claims it does wonders during the winter-time and would be a great "fashion" statement.

Drum Roll please...

The Neckli! Not so sure what to make of this? My own personalized Neckli.
Note: the bow was attached by Super Glue

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What's New?

Change...a definite constant in the life of a military family. It becomes the norm every 3-4 years as you adapt to a new environment. Adjustments to a new neighborhood, city, school and church are all apart of the drill to assimilate as soon as possible. One of the biggest challenges is unpacking belongings and creatively trying to make everything fit and resemble the "homey" atmosphere you left behind just a month or two ago.

Over the years, our practical futon couches have borne the missing bolts, dents, and scratches over the past 10+ moves. They were purchased by Hubby in his bachelor days and were the perfect fit for a growning family of three young children. They were typically the first items assembled in a move and the last items to be disassmbled. They were the two items that just screamed "HOME" when we arrived somewhere new.

For the past couple of years, I have been *hinting* that I would like to replace the couches, but the timing was not right until recently. The futons themselves were losing their comfort factor and the frames had taken a toll over the years. In early October, the family headed out on a quest for new couches. We spent one Sunday afternoon visiting furniture stores. Our last stop was La-Z-Boy. We were greeted by an exceptional sales woman, Martha, who listened to our desires, factored in our budget and visited our home prior to buying our new couches.

It has been a few days since our special delivery, and I could not be happier!

The 16 year old dinosaur.

It's slightly younger sibling.

The backdrop for many family photos...the last one!

Pillows added and curtains ordered.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tis' the Season

Maybe it is just me, but, with Halloween candy still buried in my pantry, and Thanksgiving just days ago, my spirit has yet to catch up with the Holiday decorating and festivities. I decided a trip to Michael's would be good for the soul.

Well, it proved to be a very fruitful trip. As I was perusing the aisles, I was inspired to make my own Advent wreath. I was so excited to have a mission that within 15 minutes I had my supplies and was ready to checkout.

I quickly returned home and put together my very simple creation. Gotta love a glue gun, 1" terra cotta pots, one preformed wreath, and some candles. Not to shabby for $8. Now, that is what I would call a Christmas bargain!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


What a perfect day!

Hubby busy basting the bird, rolling the dough, and cooking the sides. Kids outside playing and making decorations. Me? I was busy cyber browsing the endless "BLACK FRIDAY" ads while keeping Hubby company. As the yummy smells began to permeate the kitchen, I began to ponder all that I am thankful for: Hubby, The Munchkins, Health, Friends and Happiness. How blessed I am!

I could not have been prouder when Little Dude B came upstairs and said "Mom, this needs to go on the table."

I am truly thankful for a Hubby who is the designated Turkey cooker. Once again, we were treated to a juicy and tasty bird.

I thought this was intriguing...a few lone unplucked feathers.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Items Needed

I stumbled across the pictured list below when I was tidying the family room. I am sure to the owner of the list the items have a significance. The sheer randomness of his "needs" had me in giggles.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Night Sky

What a way to end an eventful Saturday!


Thursday, October 28, 2010


Sometimes the gales of laughter are just too much to take!

On this particular afternoon, I had instructed the Little Dudes to go upstairs and change out of their school uniforms before attacking an afternoon snack and homework. It seemed to be taking them longer than usual. Next thing I know, a commotion began and hilarity ensued.

Not sure what spurned the posing but it definitely was cause for a photo op.

*Oh, to have those abs!*
*note...uniform shirt at top of steps*

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Sound of Music

"It's OK Mom, Mr. E told us we would sound like ducks and chickens for awhile."

I guess those are encouraging words to Big Sister as she embarks upon playing a musical instrument. I am not so sure as those notes emanate from her clarinet. I wonder how the squeaks, eeks, groans, and sporadic pleasant notes will work themselves into a recognizable tune. It is definitely going to take practice, but, I love her eagerness and willingness to succeed.

Her snazzy instrument

Practice makes perfect

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday Uniforms

For the past month our Saturday mornings have been spent on the soccer fields watching all Moloko munchkins play soccer. The Little Dudes are enjoying being members of Team USA in the 5-6 age division, and Big Sister is on Team Brazil for the 7-8 year old division.

The Little Dudes have definitely improved 100% from their debut season last fall. With a greater understanding of the game, they have learned that you must go after the ball and attack. Little Dude M has taken up to practicing during lunch at school playing against the 2nd graders! They truly would prefer to skip the practices and only play in the games though.

Big Sister decided this summer that she would play soccer. Her interests typically are that of a creative nature. I am most pleased as she stepped outside of her comfort zone and she manages to take on the practices and games with a smile on her face. I have to chuckle as she does not have an aggressive bone in her do you teach that?

Yep, Goalie

Post game Gatorade Smile

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pie Contestant

Apple Pie in September? Not typical around the Moloko household, especially from scratch. That recipe is usually saved for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Big Sister batted those grey-blue eyes and asked if she could enter the "Homemade Pie Contest" at our recent Church Festival. My first instinct was deny her the opportunity, mostly because I would not consider my pie making skills as "contest worthy." So rather than transfer my insecurities, I relented and the pie making began.

She decided on an Crumbly Apple Pie. This meant only needing one crust...aces! From peeling the apples, to slicing the apples, rolling out the crust, and mixing the spicery, Big Sister was involved. She managed to keep her smile all throughout the afternoon and I let her enjoy the Saturday afternoon baking experience.

Sunday afternoon, we took her creation to the Pie Booth and waited for the judging. Big Sister did a fantastic job tempting the judges and receiving rave reviews. She managed to win the 15 and under age division for "Best Pie." The only category she did not receive the highest marks was under the "crust" criteria. She managed to get a slice of her pie before it was cut and sold at the dessert booth. She was rather tickled at her accomplishment and I was glad I did not hinder her desire.

Slicing those apples...thinly

Working on that perfect crust
Finished creationCrumbly Apple Pie

Pie Booth tasty!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


At a recent family picnic, the Little Dudes and their cousin D, were fishing. Unsuccessful at fishing, they decided to hang around the water's edge skipping rocks, tossing sticks and laughing at goofy jokes. They found a log to chill upon, and I grabbed my camera!

They caught me...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Big Sister's Oz

Over a year ago, Big Sister created a "Bucket List." Odd for a eight year old, but, after hearing her Grandma's list, she thought she ought to create one as well. I wish I could remember all of items listed, but, visiting an American Girl store was definitely on her list. While in NYC, we made an afternoon trek, just us gals, to take in the American Girl experience.

It was an experience like no other! Once Big Sister entered the revolving door, the adrenaline high kicked overdrive and she was in heaven. Seeing everything pictured in the catalog, up close and being able to touch the items was such a thrill. The store just screamed drop all your money and escape to this girl wonderland.

To make the day even grander, we booked reservations in the dining room for "Afternoon Tea" with her doll, Chrissa. We enjoyed the delicate treats and it was fun being along for her bucket list experience.

The smile says it all

Ready for Tea

Big Sister and her AG doll


Tasty Treats

Moloko Gals Enjoying Tea


Doll holder (inside the bathroom stall)

Big Sister and Chrissa

Thursday, September 16, 2010

August Adventure #2

After our wonderful trip to Martha's Vineyard, I was worried the munchkins would be disappointed with the next leg of our vacation. It was not going to be as relaxing but it was going to be exciting, that I could guarantee!

Next stop: New York City

New York City was LOTS of fun. The weather was wonderful and the munchkins were troopers as we walked block after block and tackled as many tourist spots as possible in four packed days. They truly enjoyed taking the Staten Island Ferry into Manhattan every morning (we were staying at a hotel on Staten Island) and then jumping on the subway as we headed our way Uptown & Downtown. It had been 24 years since I had last stepped foot in the City...I will not wait that long again!

Lady Liberty

Empire State Building

Times Square - Daytime

Times Square @ Night. Little Dude M said "Now, this is New York!"

Little Italy

Chocolate Covered Cannoli's
Chrysler Building
(They now understand my reference to "Make it shine like top of the Chrysler Building")

Taking it all in!