Thursday, January 12, 2012

Addictive or Addicting?

With the arrival of some really cool iGadgets, there has been an inordiante amount of time spent playing "Words with Friends" and "Angry Birds" in the Moloko household. These two games have been heavily promoted by the media, friends and family. I have become a HUGE fan of "Words with Friends." This online Scrabble game that lexiphiles alike compete to "out word"one another is so much fun. I am hooked and have found the mental exercise enjoyable!

My dilemma is whether to describe my new passion as addictive or addicting? I have often contemplated the usage of these words. Is playing the game addictive or addicting? So, I finally took the time to determine what is the correct term.

Just in case you were wondering...
addictive - is an adjective
1. Causing or tending to cause addiction: an addictive substance.
2. Characterized by or susceptible to addiction: an addictive personality.
addicting - is a transitive verb form of addict
1. To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively: This video game is addicting.The terms being defined, it is a grammar point, and which term you use depends on your sentence structure. This video game is addicting. This is an addictive video game.

It would appear that my passion is addicting!