Monday, September 15, 2008


I have been contemplating an observation made by my Hubby early on in our dating years, to the effect that I had no one place I could say I "came from" (" have no roots!"). At the time, I remember taking umbrage at such a statement. He had been in the military a few short years and had no concept of what my life experiences and moves had been. So what if I had lived in five states and resided in over a dozen homes? I personally found it stifling that he had only a couple of addresses during his formative years. To top it off, it was in New Jersey:)! Having numerous addresses in various states was never something I contemplated, just accepted. For me, growing up as a military dependent was always a privilege. I thoroughly enjoyed moving every three years and experiencing travel opportunities along the way.

This week however, as I was filling out some background check paperwork to volunteer at the munchkins school, I came to the realization that only one of five homes that I have lived in Virginia in my 38 years is still standing. All my childhood homes in my beloved Quantico have been renovated at least two times in the past three decades and the addresses that I knew them as are no longer valid. To top it off, three of eight addresses that Hubby and I have called home in the past ten years are no longer in existence either. I kept wondering as I was filling out the form whether I should save the investigator the time and let them know that none of these homes/addresses existed or just tell them I was part of the Witness Protection Program.

If anything, I may not be able to have a physical home to show to my munchkins, as Hubby once prided himself on being able to do. I do however have memories. I have come to realize it is not the facade of the home that provides one's roots. It is the love, nurturing, and events that take place within the walls that make you who you are. It is a bit depressing to think I have outlived so many homes in my few short years, however, the ride along the away has been a real thrill.