Sunday, November 1, 2009


I decided what the Little Dudes would "be" for Halloween. For weeks, I was getting non-committal responses to "What would you like to be this year?" We had received several costume catalogs and perused the Internet, but nothing seemed to excite them.

I quickly remembered a costume I had seen in some searches months ago and was eager to present my suggestion. The Little Dudes seemed a bit hesitant, but, when I stated we could make the Lego bricks in their color choice they agreed. Seeing as most of their free time is spent immersed in Legos, I could see nothing more fitting for them to portray.

Hubby gets ALL the credit for implementing my idea. I had gathered some boxes and purchased the 1 lb tubs from the Commissary Deli. The lady working the counter was perplexed by my request for a dozen empty containers. Not a common request, I suppose.

The costumes received numerous compliments which pleased the Little Dudes. However, they complained that a box-shaped costume was not so "comfortable." The back of the boxes kept coming un-velcroed if they walked at an accelerated pace. I tried making an analogy of women wearing heels. (They look good yet they are not the most comfortable). Not convinced, Little Dude B stated: "This costume is dumb but it looks cool! Everybody knows what were are!"

Big Sister is such an old soul. She is not fond of ghoulish attire and trying to get her to be a"Sleestack" was futile. She was content to dig through her dress-up box and decided to use her favorite Poodle skirt. New bobby socks and a striped shirt was all we needed to complete "the look." She agreed that her 8th Halloween was a success.

Our 50's gal


Erin said...

OH MY GOODNESS Katie, those costumes are so stinkin' cute!!! Holy Moly, you are so creative (JOHN TOO!) I love them, and they look so sweet! I hope that they filled their buckets chock full!! Big Hugs to all three cuties! :)