Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blizzard Fun

We were pummeled with a tremendous snow storm this past weekend. Friday afternoon, I found myself in a horrendous line at the grocery store buying essentials and baking items. After picking up the munchkins from school we made a mad search all over town (four stores) in search of "snow boots." We lucked out in that two of the three Moloko siblings ended up with boots. Little Dude B...still on the hunt.

Never in our wildest imagination did I think we were truly going to get 20 inches of white powder. Well, the weather man actually got it right this time...22 inches on our deck! It was a good 24 hours of continual snowflakes. The whole clan headed outside for some sledding.

Our improvised sled...BIG mixing tub from Home Depot

Moloko Ladies
Moloko Men
B Man
M Man
Big Sister



Make the Uncle Chuck & Matt proud...Y'all should take the kids to Killer Hill!!

Erin said...

YAY!! That looks like some fun!! I am not sure how much I could love the snow yet, but I know my kids would have a ball sledding!! It is so awesome seeing the munchies in their snow gear!! :)