Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kids Post

Big Sister has the habit of writing notes and letters, sealing them in envelopes and mailing them off to family members and friends. I am usually not aware of her efforts until I receive an email or phone call telling me about her "sweet" note or how "creative & clever" her letter was to the recipient.

About a month ago, she was reading the "Kids Post" section of the Sunday Washington Post newspaper. This is where the "Kids Mini-Page" can be found and definitely a BIG deal amongst the three Moloko munchkins. In this particular circular, it was asking kids to submit drawings of a lion family. Before I knew it, there was an stamped envelope addressed to the Washington Post to be mailed. When I inquired, she said "Oh, it is just some contest and I drew a few photos."

Fast forward to two weeks ago, a message from the Washington Post Offices was left on the answering machine. Evidently, Big Sister's art would be included in the upcoming "Kids Post" magazine. Sadly, all of her artwork was not featured, but, they cut out a few of her drawings to be featured.

Cute female lion on cover
Another Lion included in the insert
Official letter from The Washington Post A t-shirt for her efforts!


Teresa said...

How exciting for her (and for you, mom and dad)!!! Way to go, M!