Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gotta Love Sunday Afternoons

With a bit of mumbling under their breath, we loaded up the munchkins into the van for an afternoon of exploring the Fredericksburg Battlefield. There was a lot of moaning and groaning as an afternoon watching a movie on Netflix was what they were seeking. It was an unseasonably bearable Sunday afternoon, and therefore being inside was not an option.

After a brief movie at the Visitor's Center, we headed along the trail to see where so many men perished during this battle of the Civil War. The dudes enjoyed seeing the cannons, partial wall that was to hold the Union soldiers back from the Confederate Army, and the Cemetery. It proved to be an fun adventure for all.

Three Smiles=Success

Just a week later, we whisked the kids up to Washington, DC to the National Building Museum. As lwe loaded them in the car, and again there was lots of rumbling, especially since we did not tell them where we were headed.

Little Dude B - intently spying exhibit flag

Smiles Again!

The architecture of this building was phenomenal. LOVED IT...learned that Inaugural Balls are held here.

Architectural Lego Sets - Life Size

Lego Factoid

Lego Building - just beyond exhibit

Moloko Family Creations