Tuesday, June 3, 2008


AGGGGGGGGGGGH! Guess it is par for the course for a Monday morning. Went to turn on the computer to check some email and put a quick blog posting about our Sunday afternoon visitors, only t0 find out that our 6 1/2 year old Dell has bit the dust! I had just used my lifeline to the outside world only 12 hours prior.

The timing could not be worse. With two weeks left in our sparse home, this was one way I was planning on keeping the kids entertained when it was rainy. Rainy season is still lingering on Okinawa and the past four days have been overcast with steady streams of showers. I had big plans to make a photo book for Big Sister about her three years in Okinawa and to have it delivered in San Antonio. She is eager for the adventures this summer but is sad about leaving her beloved Okinawa. Now, I am crushed as I will not be able to surprise her with the book. It can certainly wait, but, I was so eager to get started this weekend after her kindergarten graduation. With the impending move, there is a list of "items to buy", the computer was going to be replaced at a later date. Not the case now.

I know I am rather dependent upon the computer, but, I realized how quickly I felt cut off from the world. It has taken me 36 hours to get to a computer to check emails. I had to drive to the library as my kind neighbor has not been home when it was convenient for me to click away. Hubby forgot to bring home his laptop today and he had the "duty" when I discovered the lifeless computer. I called him at work and it was stated that only he could be the "computer coroner." Well, after trying all his tricks (even those I attempted) it has been announced "DEAD."

As for the visitors Sunday afternoon, Uncle Cookie Monster, Cousin David and Aunt Michelle came over to visit. The munchkins loved the attention and spontaneous visit. The noteworthy discovery of the afternoon was when the Little Dudes and Cousin David came running into the house claiming there was a crab in the back yard. We do live about 2 miles from a beach, but, the idea of a crab in the backyard just sounded ludicrous. I quickly asked them if they were sure it was a crab and not a snail or spider of some wacky ilk. They insisted it indeed was a crab. Hubby quickly went outside and low and behold, he found himself face to face with a hearty sized land crab. I would insert a photo about now but AGGGGGGGGGGGH . This was one feisty crab and was completely in a spot neither he wanted to be in nor did the children. We quickly called over the neigbors to share our discovery before Hubby deposited it over the barbed wirefence beyond our treeline.


Erin said...

Sorry your computer bit the dust! That super sucks! But, think of it this way, just buying a tower would not be that expensive. Around 400 dollars or so. You already have all of the other stuff you could hook up to it! I hope that you can get all of your pics and stuff restored! Hugs~