Friday, October 23, 2009

Diorama Days

The first major 3rd grade "project" of the year was assigned, you know...the one with three weeks notice and a lengthy instruction sheet. Big Sister was to create an animal habitat diorama in which two animals and two plants are found. The students have been assigned two U.S. states to feature in all projects throughout the year. She chose to highlight her former home of Hawaii vs. New York. Sounds simple enough, right?

Hawaii seemed like the easy choice until were started our brainstorming. She had to determine whether to include indigenous or endemic creatures, whether to select the rain forest, volcanic, ocean, mountain, or red dirt landforms. After much debate, sketches rendered and research completed, she chose to highlight those plants most associated with Hawaii: Pineapple and Sugar Cane. As for the animals, she chose the Nene bird (State bird)and the Mongoose.

With our visions, that would be Hubby, Big Sister, and me, we embarked upon the creation of the diorama. It definitely was a collaborative effort trying to incorporate all the necessary information in 3D form. It was not an easy task trying to highlight the chosen plants and animals while revealing the water, food, and shelters needed for survival. Oh, extra points were to be awarded for creativity. No pressure, right?

Big Sister definitely earned those creativity points. The bread twist ties, coffee stir sticks, fennel seeds, Styrofoam bullet packaging, rice paper, paint, model magic and stamps helped to create her Hawaiian habitat.

Just some interesting facts learned along the way.
1. Meerkats are part of the Mongoose Family.
2. Mongoose fur is used to make paint brushes
3. The rarest bird in the world is the Nene Bird.

Painting the Styrofoam...resembling red dirt for plants.
Model magic...Nene birds

Stamped palm trees for the background. Coloring the branches.

Stamped Pineapples & stamped Geckos in the fields

Model Magic Mongoose

The finished project


Erin said...

THAT is just GOR-GEOUS!!!! Wow Madeline, I can't wait to hear what grade you got on that!! Probably an A! You and your Momma are so creative, and I once Taryn or Ian get an assignment like that, you can help Ms.Erin out!! I am sure I will need it! It looks fabulous! Big Hugs!!