Saturday, October 31, 2009

It Never Disappoints

So many memories of my childhood, teen years, and early adulthood are centered in and around Quantico, Virginia. Fall was always my favorite season as the tree lined entrance and exit to the base were just breathtaking once the temps cooled and the leaves began their metamorphosis.

In a recent discussion with my grandfather, I shared with him that although Quantico has changed in appearance over the years, I can always count on the treeline behind my beloved preschool to bring back the sights and smells of fall! It never disappoints...

My favorite treeline
The "Red Hut" - My preschool


Anonymous said...

THE RED HUT!!! Holy Shit!!...IT'S STILL THERE?? Wow!!! HAHAHA! My formal education stated there in 1981!!! McSorley Rules!

Fro!..I was talking to a co-worker the other day who's never been in that part of the country about the fall weather back east and could not explain the smells of fall!


Teresa said...

The Red Hut! Riley totally remembers that place but he can't believe how teeny it looks now.

Erin said...

Wow, those trees are amazing! I love fall too, my favorite season. However, I have to say that the trees here in San Diego are mighty pretty too...Just not all those gorgeous colors! Maybe one day we will live close by again! :)