Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

We definitely had a relaxing Labor Day.

The munchkins awoke early and immersed themselves in Legos until their tummies could no longer stand the hunger pains. Hubby announced he would make pancakes and there was much rejoicing! Little did they know, he was going to deviate from his usual round tasty pancakes to personalized creations.

I believe Hubby has felt the pressure to create ever since the munchkins and I discovered the blog Jim's Pancakes. Jim, is quite the pancake architect and has made some pretty remarkable cakes...check out his site

With bellies full and after completing some items on the "to do list" we headed out for an afternoon at our local reservoir, Lunga. The Moloko men rented a boat for some fishing and Big Sister and I decided we would join them on the water but in a kayak.

Who needs REAL fish when you have GOLDFISH?

The Moloko Men
My view...
Big Sister enjoying our adventure

Big Sister enjoyed teasing her brothers that they opted for the "wimpy motor boat" rather than the kayak which took skill and provided exercise. Let's just say, Mom did most of the rowing!


Teresa said...

Love the pancakes!