Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back in Session

With 2 1/2 days of school under their belts, the Moloko munchkins are transitioning from summer mode to school mode without little complaint. The Little Dudes were VERY leery about first grade as they know lots of homework comes with the teacher. However, I have been told that without a doubt that FIRST GRADE ROCKS! It apparently is WAY better than Kindergarten.

Although the onslaught of homework has yet to begin, they are very enthusiastic and Little Dude B came home and said "I think we are going to be challenged this year!" Their teacher has been described as the "teacher for college bound 1st graders!" LOVE IT!

Big Sister seems to be enjoying 4th grade and likes her teacher, notably a tough no-nonsense type of person. This is the year we transition to a numerical grading scale and where actual grades (A's - F's) will be noted on report cards and assignments. WOW! Big Kid stuff!