Thursday, January 8, 2009

Flurries of Joy

Got to love these Little Dudes. They have spent endless hours in the snazzy Blue Rocket BOB stroller for over 4+ years. We have weathered raind, wind, sun, and humidity in Hawaii, Okinawa, and Viriginia. But, today was a first...running in snow flurries. We headed out a little later this AM, as I wanted to be sure the temps were in the upper 30's and the wind minimal. As I was bundling them up and bribing them with fruit treats, we looked out the window and much to our amazement were HUGE snow flurries. I was about to abort the mission, but, Little Dude M was jazzed. He said "Mom, let's run in the snow!" That is all I needed, so we headed out. I snatched the camera and I am so glad I did. They were SO excited, but, our adventure of running in the snow was short lived. Ten minutes after the snow started falling, it stopped, melted and evaporated. However, those few moments brought such unadultered joy!

Little Dude M...the snow adventurer!
Little Dude B and his precious frog, Mint.

Tasting the snow!
Check this stuff out!
I am not a fan of snow, but, I certainly hope this winter brings a decent snow fall for the Moloko Siblings. They so want to experience throwing snowballs, making angels, and sledding.


Erin said...

Oh Katie...I just love it!! It makes me remember us running with the kiddos in the blazing 10am heat! Now look at are super woman for still pushing them! I don't even want to push Ian! LOL If he begs me enough I will...I am such a sap! HAHA! I would love to join you on a snowy stroller ride! Hugs~