Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Laundry Treasures

Laundry, one of those chores that is never ending. I do not mind the sorting and washing, it is the folding I despise. Probably, because so much of my time is turning every item inside right. I suppose I should not complain as the laundry at this point in the Moloko kids life actually ends up in the laundry room rather than a bedroom floor. So, I have decided to become proactive as of late, and turn all items inside right before washing. This has aided in emptying pockets of pants and jackets prior to hearing the odd racket once the dryer starts. Little Dude M is responsible for the assortment below...

When I brought the handful of goodies downstairs, Little Dude M was ecstatic. He had been looking "forever" for the beloved "Orange M"! SuperMom to the rescue!