Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Moments

We were in a clothing store today, when Little Dude M picked up a suit coat, held it up and said "If I wear this, I will look like Brock Obama." I asked him if he wanted to try it on...he declined.

Big Sister wanted to watch some TV this afternoon with a specific request to watch The Discovery Channel. The last couple of Sunday afternoons we have watched some really unique shows about kids born with disabilities, rare conditions, and medical miracles. The program this afternoon highlighted conjoined twins and the separation surgery that was going to be performed. The twins were attached at the head and one twin was not fully developed. Little Dude B came in with a handful of Legos and was visibly concerned. He touched me when he saw the underdeveloped twin and said "Mom, we need to say a "Hail Mary" for her so that she will be OK." Immediately, he led Big Sister and I in a prayer. Talk about making a Mama proud!