Sunday, March 16, 2008

Am I really posting these scores?

What a surprise! Hubby came home from work early Friday afternoon. So, we decided to make the best out of the wet drizzly weather and head to the bowling alley for a "family fun" outing.

The little dudes love watching the computer graphics after each ball is bowled.

Big Sister is ecstatic about her STRIKE!

Hubby did gloat. He is not usually victorious at bowling. Mama was just not on her game! We had a wonderful time.


Erin said...

Such a sad sad score there Mrs. Moloko! LOL 83?? You can blame it on your arms hurting so much from all the rowing you have been doing! LOL I love the way you put the kids names says MAD, MAX...ROFL! Too cute! Hugs~