Sunday, April 6, 2008

Gotta Love Thailand

We are back! After multitudes of laundry, downloads of numerous photos, and trying to put the house in some semblance of order, I found the calling to blog about our adventure. As I think back upon our week long sojourn, the sights, sounds, and smells become so vivid and I find myself wishing I was back on the streets of Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

What an amazing country! The culture was ever present and the Thai people we encountered were visably happy and remarkably proud of their country. Children are revered and singled out by everyone to include construction workers, taxi drivers, men in suits, and little old ladies. Big Sister and the Little Dudes were really digging the personalized attention and found themselves in photos with individuals from Thailand, Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong. The hotel staff in Bangkok learned the munchkins names immediately and upon every return it was like entering the "Cheers" tavern. They even managed to get the Little Dudes names correctly which can be a daunting task for the closest of friends and family.

From our Hotel Sales Director in Bangkok and our Tour Guide Operator in Chiang Mai, I was baffled by the attention to detail, complimentary meals, personal touches, and courtesies provided. To be greeted in the wee early hours of the morning upon our arrival and then to watching the children during lulls in our tour when Hubby and I were shopping for pottery, gems and silk was an exceptional experience. Certainly, not the American way! The munchkins were enamored with these dear ladies (Ms. Rose and Ms. Wandee) and were constantly vying for seats next to them on buses, vans, and at dinners. In our final hours before departing, we had three weepy children not wanting to leave Thailand and those individuals who took such phenomenal care in providing them a remarkable vacation.

With over 350 photos taken, it is easy to say all of our sightseeing trips and tours were enjoyable. The Royal Gardens and the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok was amazing with the tiles, mirrors, and gold ornamentation.

Our afternoon jaunt to the ruins of Ayuthaya on an un-air conditioned train was a reality check as to how pampered my life is on a daily basis The train took us through the Thai countryside which was beautiful, however the austere living conditions were alarming. We passed through towns spotted with tin homes, ramshackled buildings, outhouses, and barefoot babes. Hard to fathom as we had just pulled out of bustling Bangkok with its traffic, high rise buildings, and chic lifestyle.
The highlight of the trip was our adventure to the Maesa Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai. We spent roughly three hours surrounded by elephants as we watched them bathe, play, and perform. Feeding the elephants was comical and taking an elephant ride through the forest was remarkable.

I had to laugh the other day, as Big Sister is already asking where our next vacation will be and what language will be spoken there? (She is hoping for Italy) The Little Dudes are trying to figure out where they can get a Zebra ride! Never a dull moment with these sponges.


Erin said...

Oh I am so jealous!! That looked like it was such a blasty blast!! Okay I love the picture of the kids doing the "superstar" pose, and the one of John kissing the elephant! I am going to muddle through the 9 trillion other pictures you took as well! I am so glad you guys had a wonderful time, the kids were good for you, and you got to experience such a lovely country!! Hugs~