Friday, July 2, 2010

Pretzel Making

Look out Auntie Anne's...

You've got competition.

The Little Dudes were requesting Auntie Anne's tasty pretzels. Big Sister was off on an adventure to Kings Dominion (local amusement park) and they wanted to do something "cool" too. I was not about to drive the 15 miles north or gamble in the Northern Virginia traffic nightmare to frequent their favorite pretzel joint, so, I suggested we make our own. I resurrected a "Ball Park Pretzel" recipe I found five years ago, and although it was a time consuming process, as the dough had to rise and pretzels boiled prior to baking, it definitely was a thrill for both.
Little Dude M
Little Dude B
Making a variety of shapes
Infectious grins
Tasty Creations!