Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Spy A Birthday

Ok, It is official...the Little Dudes are four years old! It has taken me several days to blog about this momentous occasion. May 19th is their actual birthdate, however, being born in Hawaii puts the actual time of birth 18 hours behind Japan. Therefore, the were officially four yesterday afternoon at 2:13pm and 2:27 pm May 20th. The confusion and technicalities of celebrating the event has had the The Dudes continually asking "When is our REAL birthday?" and "Are we really four NOW?"

It is somewhat hard to fathom they are now little men. With our impending move, it only brings back the memories of our arrival to Okinawa when they were a tender 15 months old and barely walking. These past four years have been almost been a blur; however, they have been so full of wonderful memories. Watching their personalities emerge has been a real trip. Oddly enough, your favorite colors often remind me of your temperaments. Little Dude M...orange could only say "notice me" and "in motion." Little Dude B...green so reminds me of being "relaxed" and "easy going." I never envisioned that I would be so lucky to parent twins. It truly is such a privilege.

As for the party...
Saturday afternoon, we had twelve kids running around the yard for the "I Spy Party." About two months ago, Little Dude M found a book on parties in the book store. Oddly enough, he turned to the page with a "I SPY" theme featured and this became the agreed upon theme by both dudes...sometimes not such an easy task. The Little Dudes had a great party, got some wonderful presents, and declared it the "Best Party Ever."

A special kudos goes out to my neighbor Kristen, the fondant helped make the cake look so realistic. Got to love success!

Ready to spy!

Happy Birthday to yous guys!

Blowing out the #4 together!

Pinata Time!


Erin said...

Oh the little dudes hold such a special place in my heart. I have gotten to watch their antics everyday, and have loved every second! From the 10 thousand "Ms. Erin, Ms. Erin, Ms. Erin", to the squeezage of NBS (No Butt Syndrome) on B-man, to just yesterday when M asked me if I could come to Virginia with him! That cake looked AWESOME! I love how you had their names on it too! Very cute! Such a creative party, even if I was totally not up to speed on what I spy was! LOL Kristen had to school me! Happy Birthday little Munchie Heads!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Little Dudes. It's scary, but yet heartwarming, to see my brother in them.