Sunday, May 25, 2008

Movin Right Along

The second milestone of Move 2008 was hit on Friday. (The first being the purchase of our home). It was barely 7:30am when our moving crew of four showed up to 6147A Camp Lester to pack up the first of two shipments. This was our "household goods" shipment...the biggie.

Within four hours, these guys packed, pulled up carpets, numbered boxes, and loaded the truck. In all of our moves, this was by far the most efficient and rather impressive pack out. These guys were so efficient and were ready to pack everything and anything. We diligently put up "Do not pack signs" written in English and translated into Kanji to help not only them but ourselves. I will say, a couple of things got packed that I had intended to keep out until our last shipment on June 16th, however, nothing that a trip or two to the 100 Yen store (a dollar store) can not solve.

Our home is currently one of borrowed furniture and kitchen paraphernalia. The stark walls have quickly been decorated by Big Sister and the Little Dudes with taped up artwork. Although we have the echo effect, it is still "home" and cozy nonetheless. I think the kids have learned quickly how little we need in terms of gadgets, toys, and accessories. I will say the portable DVD players is essential though! We will manage just fine for the next three weeks.