For the past two months, Hubby and Big Sister have been preparing for the Powder Puff Derby. What is this you say? It is the Girl Scout version of the Boy Scout's Pinewood Derby in which a car is cut and painted from a solid block of wood and then raced. It definitely was a collaborative effort between father and daughter as they designed the car, sanded the car, and shopped for the paint together. Hubby became quite attached to their creation and on more than one occasion, I caught him caressing the emerging car.
Sunday afternoon was the BIG event. Grandma and Grandpa arrived the evening before which made the afternoon all the more festive and exciting. The "Daisymobile" competed in eight heats and had an impressive second place finish after another two heat run-off.
This is a clip of one of the heats in which the "Daisymobile" was victorious.
The proud team of Moloko & Moloko!
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